About Me

About Me

My name is Marcus Lozanne. Born and raised in the heart of Boston, MA. There is so much inspiration right in my one back. yard and I utilize that everyday. It was what got me started in photography. I believe in capturing the very essence of moments as they happen. I am a lifestyle and concept art photographer. I aim to capture people in their daily lives doing what motivates them and makes them most excited about life whether it's everyday activities, hobbies, events or travel. My special skill is the ability to interact with all types of people and engage them while photographing them. Keep their attention and bring out the best part of them and capture it in a moment in time. Capturing moments has always been my four front to photography. I appreciate the unfiltered reality of people in their everyday life, the natural movement and flow of people not calculating their movements but instead just going and doing. It's important that my viewers can relate to my photography and feel what the photograph is emanating .I believe that photographs are memories frozen in time. Want to create a timeless moment with me? Drop me an email.